Sunday 13 March 2011

Another One Of Those Stormy Days..

I haven't actually posted anything in a while, and my friends are nagging me to stay on top of it. Truth is I made this blog specifically for make-up and fashion but i feel i should incorporate my intellectual and academic side in to it as well. So, from now on my content will be varied from Fashion (yay!!) to Politics (Labour all the damn way) and Religion. I don't know why i am addressing this as if i have a large audience, i am pretty sure the readers of my blog are just family members and friends....or maybe even just myself. (Sad Times =S)

Every Sunday morning, i break the habit of my morning lie in and i watch the Big Questions, (BBC1 10am, i highly recommend you lot watch it). Todays topic of choice was based on the Japanese Quake and Tsunami. The presenter was trying to provoke thought amongst those present, and the main arguement that was reoccuring was how God was responsible for the disaster. Ok, well fair enough God obviously knows what is happening and he can choose wether to stop it. My problem lies where people start questioning God's power and qualities. There was a woman who said 'Well how can God just watch these people suffer!!'So humans have become that advanced and self-reliant that we question our creator's intentions and actions? People who are believers of God, - and this lady was a self-proclaimed Christian Humanist (whatever that is), will understand and believe that God has bigger plans for all of us, whether we be animals or humans. He created us in a way in which only he knows, our interpretations will never exemplify and demonstrate why we are the way we are, why there's suffering and why injustice is still present in the world. We can translate as many scriptures as we want, but who is translating the word of God? Man! So surely some of what you are told and read by people has personal, cultural or ethical influences. My point being, God is a superbeing and we are not programmed to comprehend him. Everyone on this Earth has been given a life and within this life you are put through events which either break you or make you. These events give you experience and knowledge, so you either gain or loose qualities within your character and sometimes there's neither or a loss nor a gain, your just being tested on what you have. God does this so your being is improved for your own good, in this sense what you want isn't at all what your given, it's what you need that is granted. Realising that this need is for your own benefit and bettering, is up to how long it takes for you to see how this change or loss has impacted on your life in the long run. A personal example: I prayed to God that i would find Love one day. Typical Disney Story, Boy meets Girl, They fall in love and live happily ever after. This is what i expected, but what i got was a string of troubled and insecure guys who just ticked me off. This wasn't love, or was it? I thought asking for love ment i would be recieving love. But then i realised that maybe Love is more about giving than recieving. God gave me troubled people to help, insecure people to love and broken guys with baggage to mend. This is what love was, helping people to better themselves, so by asking for love God gave me scenerios to understand what i was asking for. So later on in life i would know what was required of me in the exchange of love.
Well that was a very detailed account of how i think God works, but back to the inital point. Natural disasters such as the Japanese Quake, occur NATURALLY. God inforced a cycle of life which works on it's own. He created the cycle, the cycle runs and he HAS control over it, but what happens in the cycle of life is a means of nature which he created and can stop. God chose for the Quake to happen, but why are we questioning this? I think people should review their relationship with God and remember why we're on Earth and what these frequent disasters mean. Speaking from an Islamic perspective i believe these are a few signs of Judgement Day. May God guide us all to strengthen our relationship with him. Amen

1 comment:

  1. hope you keep blogging!
    i cant find a google friend box or anything..
    how can i follow you>??
