Bourjois Lipstick
Que Boniita

Friday, 25 March 2011
Cosmetics: Eyes&&Lips
Mascara is the one product that most girls see as a necessity! It's really hard to find a brand that doesn't clump and that doesn't dry out quickly and we tend to splash out on the more expensive mascaras becuase we think they're better. Hmm well not really, i mean i think i've tried every high street brand there is from Maxfactor to the affordable Collection 2000. The best brand for me has to be L'Oreal's Million Lashes (the gold tube). Its about £11 and is well worth the money. It's brush is thin but flexible so it fans out your lashes and it takes agesssss to dry out. I wouldn't recommend keeping make-up for more than 4 months because the chemicals and ingredients may become harmful. If the products don't have a use by date, make sure you don't use them for too long!
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Another One Of Those Stormy Days..
I haven't actually posted anything in a while, and my friends are nagging me to stay on top of it. Truth is I made this blog specifically for make-up and fashion but i feel i should incorporate my intellectual and academic side in to it as well. So, from now on my content will be varied from Fashion (yay!!) to Politics (Labour all the damn way) and Religion. I don't know why i am addressing this as if i have a large audience, i am pretty sure the readers of my blog are just family members and friends....or maybe even just myself. (Sad Times =S)
Every Sunday morning, i break the habit of my morning lie in and i watch the Big Questions, (BBC1 10am, i highly recommend you lot watch it). Todays topic of choice was based on the Japanese Quake and Tsunami. The presenter was trying to provoke thought amongst those present, and the main arguement that was reoccuring was how God was responsible for the disaster. Ok, well fair enough God obviously knows what is happening and he can choose wether to stop it. My problem lies where people start questioning God's power and qualities. There was a woman who said 'Well how can God just watch these people suffer!!'So humans have become that advanced and self-reliant that we question our creator's intentions and actions? People who are believers of God, - and this lady was a self-proclaimed Christian Humanist (whatever that is), will understand and believe that God has bigger plans for all of us, whether we be animals or humans. He created us in a way in which only he knows, our interpretations will never exemplify and demonstrate why we are the way we are, why there's suffering and why injustice is still present in the world. We can translate as many scriptures as we want, but who is translating the word of God? Man! So surely some of what you are told and read by people has personal, cultural or ethical influences. My point being, God is a superbeing and we are not programmed to comprehend him. Everyone on this Earth has been given a life and within this life you are put through events which either break you or make you. These events give you experience and knowledge, so you either gain or loose qualities within your character and sometimes there's neither or a loss nor a gain, your just being tested on what you have. God does this so your being is improved for your own good, in this sense what you want isn't at all what your given, it's what you need that is granted. Realising that this need is for your own benefit and bettering, is up to how long it takes for you to see how this change or loss has impacted on your life in the long run. A personal example: I prayed to God that i would find Love one day. Typical Disney Story, Boy meets Girl, They fall in love and live happily ever after. This is what i expected, but what i got was a string of troubled and insecure guys who just ticked me off. This wasn't love, or was it? I thought asking for love ment i would be recieving love. But then i realised that maybe Love is more about giving than recieving. God gave me troubled people to help, insecure people to love and broken guys with baggage to mend. This is what love was, helping people to better themselves, so by asking for love God gave me scenerios to understand what i was asking for. So later on in life i would know what was required of me in the exchange of love.
Well that was a very detailed account of how i think God works, but back to the inital point. Natural disasters such as the Japanese Quake, occur NATURALLY. God inforced a cycle of life which works on it's own. He created the cycle, the cycle runs and he HAS control over it, but what happens in the cycle of life is a means of nature which he created and can stop. God chose for the Quake to happen, but why are we questioning this? I think people should review their relationship with God and remember why we're on Earth and what these frequent disasters mean. Speaking from an Islamic perspective i believe these are a few signs of Judgement Day. May God guide us all to strengthen our relationship with him. Amen
Every Sunday morning, i break the habit of my morning lie in and i watch the Big Questions, (BBC1 10am, i highly recommend you lot watch it). Todays topic of choice was based on the Japanese Quake and Tsunami. The presenter was trying to provoke thought amongst those present, and the main arguement that was reoccuring was how God was responsible for the disaster. Ok, well fair enough God obviously knows what is happening and he can choose wether to stop it. My problem lies where people start questioning God's power and qualities. There was a woman who said 'Well how can God just watch these people suffer!!'So humans have become that advanced and self-reliant that we question our creator's intentions and actions? People who are believers of God, - and this lady was a self-proclaimed Christian Humanist (whatever that is), will understand and believe that God has bigger plans for all of us, whether we be animals or humans. He created us in a way in which only he knows, our interpretations will never exemplify and demonstrate why we are the way we are, why there's suffering and why injustice is still present in the world. We can translate as many scriptures as we want, but who is translating the word of God? Man! So surely some of what you are told and read by people has personal, cultural or ethical influences. My point being, God is a superbeing and we are not programmed to comprehend him. Everyone on this Earth has been given a life and within this life you are put through events which either break you or make you. These events give you experience and knowledge, so you either gain or loose qualities within your character and sometimes there's neither or a loss nor a gain, your just being tested on what you have. God does this so your being is improved for your own good, in this sense what you want isn't at all what your given, it's what you need that is granted. Realising that this need is for your own benefit and bettering, is up to how long it takes for you to see how this change or loss has impacted on your life in the long run. A personal example: I prayed to God that i would find Love one day. Typical Disney Story, Boy meets Girl, They fall in love and live happily ever after. This is what i expected, but what i got was a string of troubled and insecure guys who just ticked me off. This wasn't love, or was it? I thought asking for love ment i would be recieving love. But then i realised that maybe Love is more about giving than recieving. God gave me troubled people to help, insecure people to love and broken guys with baggage to mend. This is what love was, helping people to better themselves, so by asking for love God gave me scenerios to understand what i was asking for. So later on in life i would know what was required of me in the exchange of love.
Well that was a very detailed account of how i think God works, but back to the inital point. Natural disasters such as the Japanese Quake, occur NATURALLY. God inforced a cycle of life which works on it's own. He created the cycle, the cycle runs and he HAS control over it, but what happens in the cycle of life is a means of nature which he created and can stop. God chose for the Quake to happen, but why are we questioning this? I think people should review their relationship with God and remember why we're on Earth and what these frequent disasters mean. Speaking from an Islamic perspective i believe these are a few signs of Judgement Day. May God guide us all to strengthen our relationship with him. Amen
Saturday, 5 February 2011
MakeUp- The Ideal Kit
When it comes to make up it is important you know what products suit your skin type. From foundation all the way down to mascara, there are going to be brands which suit your skin well and other products which don't go so well with your skin. It is best you go and find out what type of skin you have and what sort of products to buy before you begin getting into the habit of wearing make-up. When I started wearing make-up I got a skin "analysis" from a specialist at House Of Fraser. They give you a list of products that will be of benefit to your skin and also advise you to steer clear of products which your skin will not agree with. Unfortunately, i am not a specialist! However I've given you a list of products i use and products i would definately adivse you to purchase.
Bobbi Brown's Oil Control Lotion SPF 15
This lotion is absolutely amazing! I use it before applying anything to my face. It moistens and waters the dry patches on your skin. These tend to be around nose, mouth and forehead area, (also known as T-Zone). Every lady needs a good facial cream and Bobbi Brown is definately a reliable and productive product. I got this particular oil control lotion for about £30.00, i'm not sure...i purchased it a while back and it was a very good and worthwhile investment. Again, it depends on your skin type, there are different lotions available which cater to different skin types but i've noticed this particular cream is a very good day to day lotion for ordinary use, but it acts as a great undercoat for foundation as well so your make-up won't dry out during the day. Overall i give Bobbi Brown's Oil Control Lotion a....
There are numerous types of MAC foundation you can purchase. I find MAC quite a heavy make-up and ideal for a night out or special occassions, though you probably can find a lighter style product. Here a few photos of me and my friends wearing MAC.
-I did a very light cheek blend here, using a brush to apply liquid foundation allows you to tone your face, this is important when taking photographs because you do not want to look one solid colour!
As you can see it is a pretty good and gives even and heavy coverage to your face. I'm personally not a fan of heavy make-up i prefer a light or natural-looking coverage. I'm more of a lipstick and mascara person! But I rate MAC a...
7/10 (I really do prefer Bobbi Brown!)
Well That Just About Covers The Foundation&&Cream Must-Haves, I'll Be Posting Eyeshadows, Lipsticks&& Eyeliners Soon. =)
Bobbi Brown's Oil Control Lotion SPF 15
This lotion is absolutely amazing! I use it before applying anything to my face. It moistens and waters the dry patches on your skin. These tend to be around nose, mouth and forehead area, (also known as T-Zone). Every lady needs a good facial cream and Bobbi Brown is definately a reliable and productive product. I got this particular oil control lotion for about £30.00, i'm not sure...i purchased it a while back and it was a very good and worthwhile investment. Again, it depends on your skin type, there are different lotions available which cater to different skin types but i've noticed this particular cream is a very good day to day lotion for ordinary use, but it acts as a great undercoat for foundation as well so your make-up won't dry out during the day. Overall i give Bobbi Brown's Oil Control Lotion a....
Bobbi Brown's Moisturizing Cream Compact Foundation (In Warm Beige)
YES Bobbi Brown again! It's a brilliant moisturizing cream foundation my friend introduced me to a few months back. I was getting a few spots on my chin and forehead and usually i would just sweep my fringe over it or cover it up with layers of liquid foundation but this routine didn't really do my face any justice. So, she took me shopping and literally forced me to try this product out. It's usually quite hard to find a close enough colour that matches your skin tone, but i found that Warm Beige was an exact match to mine. covered up my spots perfectly! I prefer compact or pressed foundation because it gives a more even and flawless coverage. Some people may prefer liquid but i find it quite messy and streaky! Apologies again, i am not sure about the exact price of the product but it should be no more than £26.00, I give Bobbi Brown's Moisturizing Cream Compact Foundation a rating of...
There are numerous types of MAC foundation you can purchase. I find MAC quite a heavy make-up and ideal for a night out or special occassions, though you probably can find a lighter style product. Here a few photos of me and my friends wearing MAC.

As you can see it is a pretty good and gives even and heavy coverage to your face. I'm personally not a fan of heavy make-up i prefer a light or natural-looking coverage. I'm more of a lipstick and mascara person! But I rate MAC a...
7/10 (I really do prefer Bobbi Brown!)
Well That Just About Covers The Foundation&&Cream Must-Haves, I'll Be Posting Eyeshadows, Lipsticks&& Eyeliners Soon. =)
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
So Hejabii comes from the actual arabic/islamic term of referring to a woman modestly covered "hijaab". I'm really not sure about the spelling so i just tried to spell it how it sounds!
Right so this is of relevance because I want my blog to celebrate this new modern muslim fashion and instead of being known for the girl in the black i want to be known as a hejabii :)
I want to begin by clearing up the whole speculation that surrounds a woman of the islamic faith. I am a born Muslim and i only actually decided to start wearin a headscarf about a year and a half ago, not for any particuar reason...i'm not going to pretend there was a supernatural experience where god came down and said "hey Munah wrap up before i smite you man" it was more of a "hey i make an effort to look good yet i still feel shitty and materialistic". As a girl i'm pretty sure i can speak for all when i say we are constantly trying to maintain a look in which we feel comfortble with, there's the "i just woke up" look where we apply light makeup very similiar to our skintone, or the "oh my garsh Neil from human resources is a stud and he's on the same shift as me this week, i am rocking that rouge pout all week"- Neil was the first name that popped into my head, i should've gone with a Justin that sounds more stud-ish. Well point being, looks matter to most girls and they certainly matterned to me. Then i realised after starting work and integrating into the real world that beauty was not all about flicking through a "Look" Mag or a "Hello" Mag, it was using what was around you to mould an identity, an original persona where you take what's weird about you- me it would be my unhealthy love for anything with an animal print pattern- and making it cool by incorporating into your style! I do this by always (yes always) wearing an element of animal print whether it be a piece of jewellery or a handbag so that element of weirdness becomes stylish.
Inspiration is all you really need and you find it in the most random ways, -whether it be just quawking through a shop window at a random 6ft well-done model, while she prances around with her skyline legs as you purchase that camel cardi you've been desperately saving up for in Topshop- just so you can keep up with the camel colour trend- and sulking wondering why your booty don't swing to the rhythm of Beyonce's Single Ladies track. Either way inspiration doesn't just come to you, i've learnt ignorance can come in the way of a new, good, better and refreshed you! When i decided my life was dead and missing zest i made a mini self-review of the 17 young years i was alive for. What was i missing? why was i never really happy? The main conclusion i kept coming back to was that i was female, and genetically we were programmed to live sorrowful lives, however (i smirk as i type) i became more attentive to my ethnicity and how interesting my origins were. After all i am an East African, British born Muslim- who doesn't really know much about what it means to be a Muslim. I randomly just started to rock the hejabi look (which i'll be posting soon, i did make this blog about an hour ago so there's not much on it...there's probably nobody even reading this yet i type eagerly like i'm going to recieve reception- lol). I experimented with ways in which i can dress fashionably and still look like a Muslim, and Bingo it worked =)
Right so this is of relevance because I want my blog to celebrate this new modern muslim fashion and instead of being known for the girl in the black i want to be known as a hejabii :)
I want to begin by clearing up the whole speculation that surrounds a woman of the islamic faith. I am a born Muslim and i only actually decided to start wearin a headscarf about a year and a half ago, not for any particuar reason...i'm not going to pretend there was a supernatural experience where god came down and said "hey Munah wrap up before i smite you man" it was more of a "hey i make an effort to look good yet i still feel shitty and materialistic". As a girl i'm pretty sure i can speak for all when i say we are constantly trying to maintain a look in which we feel comfortble with, there's the "i just woke up" look where we apply light makeup very similiar to our skintone, or the "oh my garsh Neil from human resources is a stud and he's on the same shift as me this week, i am rocking that rouge pout all week"- Neil was the first name that popped into my head, i should've gone with a Justin that sounds more stud-ish. Well point being, looks matter to most girls and they certainly matterned to me. Then i realised after starting work and integrating into the real world that beauty was not all about flicking through a "Look" Mag or a "Hello" Mag, it was using what was around you to mould an identity, an original persona where you take what's weird about you- me it would be my unhealthy love for anything with an animal print pattern- and making it cool by incorporating into your style! I do this by always (yes always) wearing an element of animal print whether it be a piece of jewellery or a handbag so that element of weirdness becomes stylish.
Inspiration is all you really need and you find it in the most random ways, -whether it be just quawking through a shop window at a random 6ft well-done model, while she prances around with her skyline legs as you purchase that camel cardi you've been desperately saving up for in Topshop- just so you can keep up with the camel colour trend- and sulking wondering why your booty don't swing to the rhythm of Beyonce's Single Ladies track. Either way inspiration doesn't just come to you, i've learnt ignorance can come in the way of a new, good, better and refreshed you! When i decided my life was dead and missing zest i made a mini self-review of the 17 young years i was alive for. What was i missing? why was i never really happy? The main conclusion i kept coming back to was that i was female, and genetically we were programmed to live sorrowful lives, however (i smirk as i type) i became more attentive to my ethnicity and how interesting my origins were. After all i am an East African, British born Muslim- who doesn't really know much about what it means to be a Muslim. I randomly just started to rock the hejabi look (which i'll be posting soon, i did make this blog about an hour ago so there's not much on it...there's probably nobody even reading this yet i type eagerly like i'm going to recieve reception- lol). I experimented with ways in which i can dress fashionably and still look like a Muslim, and Bingo it worked =)
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